QA & Testing

QA & Testing Services

Halcyon Technologies is the best Software Testing Company in USA, ensures Quality and Cost-effectiveness, Provides a good return on investment, and guarantees effective test automation. Poorly tested and integrated Software solutions has a severe affect on your business, Halcyon considers this as a serious issue and focuses on the prevention and early detection of the errors/Bugs and preventing them before they happen with a traditional method of testing for detecting defects at later stages. The synergy of this QA & Testing Services framework increases efficiencies, maximizes return on investments spent on Software Quality Assurance Testing Services and ensures Quality near-zero defects.

In today’s fast-paced evolving IT industry there is no room for errors. Customers always demand perfection and Quality in production, Halcyon flexible Software Testing and Quality Assurance Services reduces the time and effort in testing so that you can exceed your customer’s expectations with our Quality IT Solutions. Customers around the globe prefer to partner with us to have a positive edge of achieving best level of quality.

QA & Testing

Halcyon - Full Range Testing Service across several verticals

QA & Testing Service& support

Automated testing in Halcyon Technologies is enabled by Selenium and Bug Fixing tool exclusively developed by technology and domain experts possessing knowledge in Quality Assurance & Testing process base on .Net enable manual & Test automation, work to its upmost effectiveness fixing all the bugs unconditionally. Acting as a buffer between product, developers and customers our bug tracker enables proper communication between developers and testers ensuring absolute Quality. Apart from bug fixing our bug tracker prioritizes the error correction and generates bug reports automatically which ensures you to manage resources effectively and provide quality and quick responsive bug free solutions.

Halcyon Technologies takes into consideration the following factors before evolving a proper testing process

  • Ensuring transition is seamless in terms of business and Customers satisfaction
  • The Best Quality in production
  • Innovative process with client focused approach
  • Creating a testing system to assure success of product
  • Use frequent feedback and assures Quality Service